Making a donation.

All groups applying for Community Sponsorship are required to raise a minimum of £9,000 but ideally we would like to raise £14,000. This money is used to cover various costs for the family like translation, furnishing the house, and English classes. We have held various fundraising events and activities since the project started, but if you would like to help us continue to meet our targets you can support the project today.

There is a Just Giving page set up with Citizens UK. To make a donation to our cause please use the Donate button below or scan our QR code.

You can make a one-off donation or sign up for regular monthly payments to the project.

Alternatively, you can get involved with our fundraising events, we post information about these here and elsewhere.

In the unlikely event that we are unsuccessful in our application to provide a home to a refugee family, any money raised will be passed onto another group looking to do the same in a different community.